SkyCity Team New Zealand America’s Cup Mobile Mini Site Game

Case Studies

SkyCity Team New Zealand America’s Cup Mobile Mini Site Game


SkyCity, being one of the primary sponsors for the American Cup NZ, recognizing the significance of the event, they aimed to create an online campaign that would resonate with their target audience and generate excitement.


The objective of the campaign was twofold: firstly, to engage customers in an immersive online experience related to the American Cup; and secondly, to incentivize participants to visit the offline store by offering vouchers or rewards. The ultimate goal was to boost sales conversions and create a seamless online-to-offline customer journey.


Prizm developed a sailboat game specifically designed to celebrate the American Cup. The game was strategically launched during the final match, capitalizing on the heightened interest and attention of the audience. Participants were invited to join the game online, competing for prizes and rewards. The engaging and interactive nature of the game successfully captured the interest and enthusiasm of thousands of participants.


The sailboat game proved to be a tremendous success, driving significant results for SkyCity. Around half of the participants were successfully motivated to visit the offline store to redeem their vouchers, indicating a high conversion rate from online engagement to in-store foot traffic. This translated into increased sales conversions and a positive impact on the overall business. The campaign successfully achieved its objective of engaging customers online, driving them to the offline store, and ultimately boosting sales performance.

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Barfoot & Thompson 2021 CNY Booth Campaign

Case Studies

Barfoot & Thompson 2021 CNY Booth Campaign


Barfoot & Thompson is New Zealand’s largest privately owned real estate company based in Auckland, New Zealand. Barfoot & Thompson wanted to further engage the local Chinese community to improve their connections with them. Over Chinese New Year 2021, PRIZM assisted the brand in launching a campaign through their sponsorship of the CNY Festival & Market Day at ASB Showgrounds.


Our primary goal was to showcase Barfoot & Thompson as a cultural diversity advocate and boost brand loyalty. Simultaneously, we aimed to create engaging and interactive experiences that would draw in a wider audience.


Chinese New Year is the most celebrated festival for the Chinese and there is always a strong emphasis on family values for them. To exemplify this, PRIZM conceptualised a Chinese New Year themed booth utilising Barfoot & Thompson’s brand colors and logo as the focal point for the campaign.


Visitors were invited to pose for a family photograph with the branded decoration as a backdrop. These photos were then printed out and displayed in a magnetic photo frame for the visitors to put up in their homes/offices, thereby extending the connection with Barfoot & Thompson beyond the event venue. In addition, the campaign utilised WeChat (commonly used social media platform among the target group) to run a sure-win red packet lucky draw to encourage visitors to follow the Official Barfoot & Thompson WeChat account.


More than a thousand visitors were attracted to the booth and more than 500 families received the framed photographs. The campaign also led to an increased number of followers to Barfoot & Thompson’s Official WeChat account. Through celebrating this important festival for the Chinese, it further augments Barfoot & Thompson’s brand values of diversity and successfully drawing parallels to the common values that this family brand shares with the Chinese culture.

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DFS Auckland 2021 Lunar New Year O2O campaign

Case Studies

DFS Auckland 2021 Lunar New Year O2O campaign


DFS Auckland is a prominent luxury travel retailer in Auckland, New Zealand. Renowned for its prime location and wide selection of high-end products, DFS Auckland attracts discerning customers seeking premium shopping experiences.


The primary goal was to drive foot traffic to DFS Auckland physical store during the festive Chinese New Year period. Through the implementation of an engaging online game and leveraging participants’ social media sharing, the objective was to generate excitement and encourage individuals to visit the offline event at DFS’ store.


Prizm devised an innovative solution by creating an interactive online game for DFS, featuring a digital lucky draw. By combining technology and social media, participants were enticed to take part in the game and share their involvement with their social networks. This engagement served as an invitation to the offline event, where participants could experience a live lucky draw, further enhancing their connection with DFS and the brand.


The campaign achieved remarkable success in driving foot traffic to DFS’ physical store. Through the incorporation of technology and social media, DFS effectively engaged their target audience and provided them with a memorable and distinctive experience. Additionally, the campaign enabled DFS to collect valuable customer data, including email addresses and social media profiles, empowering them to inform future marketing activities and tailor their strategies to better target potential customers.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

SkyCity 2021 LNY Online to Offline campaign

Case Studies

SkyCity 2021 LNY Online to Offline campaign


As a specialized marketing agency in the Chinese market, we have collaborated closely with SkyCity to bring innovation and unique experiences to their annual Lunar New Year celebrations. This year, our focus is on introducing technological advancements to create a distinctive Lunar New Year event for SkyCity.


Our primary objective was to create a memorable and interactive experience that would resonate with participants, allowing them to embrace and understand the cultural of the Year of the Ox and Lunar New Year traditions. By enabling individuals to customize their own FU character, incorporating their names and a wishing sentence, we aimed to facilitate a deep sense of personal connection and ownership in the celebration.


To bring our objective to life, we developed a digital activation that seamlessly integrated customization and education. Participants were invited to engage with the platform, inputting their name and selecting a personalized wishing sentence. The system then generated a unique FU character that could be printed and taken home as a symbol of their participation in the campaign. This solution provided an innovative and accessible way for individuals from diverse backgrounds to actively engage with Lunar New Year culture.


The digital activation proved to be an outstanding success. Participants thoroughly enjoyed the experience of creating their own personalized FU character, fostering a sense of pride and cultural appreciation. The campaign successfully achieved its goal of educating and connecting diverse communities with Lunar New Year traditions. Through the tangible takeaway of the printed FU characters, participants were able to continue celebrating and sharing their experiences beyond the digital realm, further spreading awareness and understanding of this important cultural event. The campaign’s positive reception and engagement reinforced the value of inclusive and interactive initiatives in promoting cultural exchange and appreciation.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

PlaceMakers WeChat Marketing Ads

Case Studies

PlaceMakers WeChat Marketing Ads


PlaceMakers is New Zealand’s leading and largest supplier of building materials and hardware. They have over 74,000 product lines and operates more than 60 stores countrywide. To better cater to New Zealand’s Chinese market, PlaceMakers consulted PRIZM for an effective marketing platform to drive online to offline sales targeting local Chinese builders.

Campaign Details

WeChat advertising channels were deployed to effectively extend their reach to local Chinese builders, improve brand awareness and direct online to offline sales. For example, in their annual Monster Tool Sale event 2021, visitors were directed to their

online platform to conveniently place their orders before they “Click & Collect” at their local stores. Breakfasts were also served at selected stores over the course of the Monster Tool Sale to encourage greater footfall at their stores, leading to more conversions with in-store staff expertise.


PRIZM was able to assist PlaceMakers to build a community through sharing and connecting Chinese builders with relevant and up-to-date industry developments. The ads also successfully achieved its objectives of increasing brand awareness for PlaceMakers and driving online to offline sales.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

AuMake Online Branding and Social Media Advertising

Case Studies

AuMake Online Branding and Social Media Advertising


AuMake is an Australian listed health supplements retail company that operates 14 physical stores located in key precincts on Australia’s east coast and in New Zealand. Driven by the pandemic, AuMake pivoted their business model to drive digital sales and increase their membership numbers. In October 2020, PRIZM led the company in the launch of an online store on WeChat to increase their brand awareness among Chinese users in Australia, New Zealand and Mainland China.

Our Works

PRIZM oversaw the end-to-end marketing for the launch of the WeChat online store. This included strategic publicity on various platforms as well as the production of marketing collateral e.g. ad creatives for the campaign. We also maintained close communication with WeChat and Douyin representatives – enabling us to be nimble in the delivery of compelling narratives during the campaign.


Details of the launch were publicised via paid ads on popular Chinese social media platforms (WeChat, Douyin, and Toutiao) as well as ad placements in traditional local media and cross-marketing via the “mom & baby” vertical.


The number of membership registrations was tracked as a success metric for the campaign.


The marketing campaign spanned across 3 months and PRIZM assisted AuMake in acquiring more than 12,000 membership registrations and generated brand awareness online. AuMake was also able to use the data collected to conduct subsequent analysis for further remarketing as they continue to increase their online presence.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

Wukong Media Planning & Buying

Case Studies

Wukong Media Planning & Buying - WeChat Moment Ads

Project Introduction

As a solution to provide quality Chinese education for students living in overseas countries age 4 – 15 years old, WuKong Education was developed; an online education institution. In 2019, WuKong Education worked with Prizm in an attempt to expand its business amongst the global Chinese communities. With a distinct target audience and direction, WeChat’s Moment and Banner Ads were advantageous to deliver this message to the Chinese public.


Thanks to the online presence of WeChat users, WuKong established a valuable customer base and rapid growth in a short period. More than 150 million exposures were recorded due to the advertisements posted and also accumulated a vast amount of sales leads.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

Thursday Plantation New Product Launch Campaign

Case Studies

Thursday Plantation New Product Launch Campaign


Thursday Plantation, an Australian brand specializing in health and beauty products derived from natural oils, introduced a series of new face mask products in 2019. To enhance customer relationships, an offline event was organized in Sydney to launch the new products. Subsequently, the brand sought to amplify its reach and engagement through a digital experience in collaboration with Prizm.


The primary goal was to promote the new face mask series by creating a digital experience that provided customers with a deeper understanding of the products. Specifically, Thursday Plantation aimed to strengthen its brand connection with customers, enhance its reputation, and increase brand awareness. Prizm was tasked with designing an engaging mobile app game to facilitate user interaction and generate interest in the new product line.


In response to Thursday Plantation’s needs, Prizm developed a mobile app game available on app stores. Users were prompted to answer questions about their skin conditions and product preferences. Following this, users would take a photo of their face, and the app would recommend a suitable face mask, displaying the potential benefits through before-and-after results on their photo. This interactive approach provided users with personalized recommendations and an engaging way to explore the new face mask products.


The implementation of the digital experience yielded significant results for Thursday Plantation. The brand successfully collected valuable user data, including photos taken by users. To further incentivize participation, the company initiated a campaign where a randomly selected user received a prize based on their submitted photo. This approach effectively bridged online and offline engagement, resulting in an enhanced brand connection with customers, improved reputation, and increased brand awareness. Users were motivated to share their experiences by posting pictures on their social media accounts, contributing to the overall success of the campaign.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

Mercedes-Benz Botany WeChat Content Marketing

Case Studies

Mercedes-Benz Botany WeChat Content Marketing

Campagin Introduction

Mercedes- Benz Botany is the largest Mercedes- Benz showroom in New Zealand, where quality ranges of Mercedes-Benz vehicles and services are available. From the steady growth of Chinese customers, a WeChat official account was established to deliver the brand’s message and to associate with the local Chinese public.

Our Works

Our team believed advertising during Chinese New Year would be ideal to appeal to the Chinese community. Thus, CNY advertorials were published with substantial information about the company and products for the company to captivate the Chinese demographic.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.

Barfoot & Thompson CNY O2O Campaign

Case Studies

Barfoot & Thompson CNY O2O Campaign -- 寻宝闹新春


Barfoot & Thompson, New Zealand’s largest real estate agency located in Auckland, sponsored the Chinese New Year (CNY) Festival & Market Day at ASB Showgrounds in 2020. The company aimed to strengthen its connection with the local Chinese community during the festive season. To achieve this, Barfoot & Thompson collaborated with Prizm to create an online-to-offline campaign centered around Chinese New Year, with the dual goals of collecting user data and increasing subscribers on its social media platforms.


The primary objective for Barfoot & Thompson was to enhance its engagement with the local Chinese community and leverage the festive atmosphere of Chinese New Year. The specific goals included collecting valuable user data and increasing the number of subscribers on Barfoot & Thompson’s social media platforms, enhancing its online presence within the target audience.


Prizm worked with Barfoot & Thompson to implement an interactive kiosk at the CNY Festival & Market Day. Participants were encouraged to play a game on the kiosk, and before engaging in the game, they had to input their personal information on their phones to receive a QR code, which activated the game.

The game involved participants looking at a map of houses, including Barfoot & Thompson buildings. Within 30 seconds, participants had to select all the Barfoot & Thompson buildings on the map. The scoring system determined the quality of prizes, including cash prizes, based on the participants’ performance in the game.


The campaign was successful in achieving its objectives. Over 200 users actively participated in the activity during the campaign day, and these participants also subscribed to Barfoot & Thompson’s WeChat official account. The engagement was not only festive but also fruitful, as Barfoot & Thompson effectively collected valuable user data. This data could be utilized for future marketing activities, ensuring targeted outreach to the right audience and further strengthening the company’s brand presence within the local Chinese community.

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At Prizm Group, we're passionate about crafting success stories for our clients in the Chinese market. Join us on this journey and unlock the boundless potential of your business in China.